Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ingredient Matters: Securing our food sources

Ingredient Matters: Securing our food sources


JH said...

Chinese government is notorious at covering up all kinds of wrong doings. They have no right to poison mankind on the entire globe, and should be held accountable for their actions. Would you just let someone poison your child without prosecuting the person? Without boycotting the Chinese merchandise, or holding them responsible for their seedy behavior, it's just a matter of time that these sort of incidents will happen over and over again.

I do agree with Sophia that as a consumer, we should be able to find out where the raw material comes from even the the product is labeled "Made in USA".

Sofiia V. and Sarah D. said...

Thank you for your posting, JH. I do agree that we need access to information that we can learn where our food ingredients are from. And we want to ask our government to require food companies to do so.

If we can keep our own house in order, educated consumers in U. S. would be able to make their purchases accordingly. The food companies would learn not to get their ingredients from countries with broken rules and substandard of food safety.