Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's up to the consumers after disclosures...

I had an interesting conversation with a friend who said, what if some people still choose to purchase and eat the food that was reported to have tainted ingredient? I told her, not to worry for those people. As long as the information is available to us, what the consumers will do with the information is up to the individuals. We can not tell people what to do with their lives.

In real estate transactions in California, the law requires the sellers to fill out a two to three pages of disclosure form about the houses. What the buyers want to do with the information is up to the buyers. Same defects of the house may bother one buyer, while others would not mind at all.

How about our food and drugs? These are about our long term health and well-being, why can we not demand at least same kind of disclosures?

It is important to learn the truth, especially when it comes to what we feed our family.

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